
Important update: New York Times jumps the gun on Potti lawsuit

✔✔✔✔✔ The Friday New York Times article on the Potti mess, which FC linked to, stated one of Dr. Anil Potti's patients "died a few months after treatment, and her husband and other patients’ relatives are suing Duke."

Our headline said this was the first litigation. But in our story we noted that it was 11 PM Thursday when we received this information, and would be double checking.

Well the Times jumped the gun.

In the past 24 hours, we have discovered that the deceased patient, Juliet Jacobs, and her survivors are represented by the Raleigh personal injury law firm of HensonFuerst. As our story yesterday stated, a senior partner at that firm gave FC an extensive briefing two weeks ago. This firm represents a large number of patients -- we do not have their names -- but it is continuing research before filing any lawsuits.

The website Nature.com deserves credit for putting all that together.

The husband of the Potti patient, Walter Jacobs, issued this statement through HensonFuerst:

“When we found out that these clinical trials were based on fraudulent science, and worse that Duke had been repeatedly warned of this by other major cancer researchers but still failed to protect their patients, we were livid. To experiment on patients like this, and in the process to dash their chances of having the best possible outcome, is unforgiveable.”

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