
Poor kids. Durham judge gives 2 of Crystal Gail Mangum's children another bounce, sending them to their father

Important post 2 AM Wednesday: Brodhead returns from his international spree.

From information in the Durham Herald-Sun and WRAL TV

✔ Ever since Crystal Gail Mangum concocted the 2006 lie that she was raped at a Duke lacrosse party, FC and many Dukies have worried about her kids.

Loyal Readers will recall that the state attorney general -- who stepped in to replace the corrupt Durham DA Michael Nifong -- said she was a loon who could not be prosecuted for the lie (filing a false police report among the possible charges). But she was allowed to keep custody of two small children.

(Crystal then had a third child. We do not know his or her fate at this point. This child was not part of the court proceeding described below.)

As Crystal bounced through life, the kids became more and more of a concern. In March, Crystal and family moved yet again, this time in with a man whom she had just met -- the full circumstances never clear, but he may have been a john.

On April 3rd, in an argument over rent money, Crystal allegedly stabbed the man to death, the kids being in the house.

Liddy Howard, one of Mangum's friends took the two kids in when Crystal was arrested. And the entire matter of their fate came before Durham District Judge Doretta Walker, who filed a decision Tuesday giving Richard Ramseier temporary custody.

Who? He's the missing father. The father of Crystal's 12 year old son and 11 year old daughter.

Mom and Dad met during Crystal's brief service in the US Navy, and she got pregnant even though she was married to someone else at the time.

Ramseier's Navy days ended five years ago, and we do not know the circumstances of that. We do know Ramseier has bounced and tumbled around since.

Lately, Ramseier, jobless, homeless, has been crashing with a Shepherdstown, West Virginia couple he met in the Navy. Yes, this is the man that the judge has decided is a step up for the kids.

One of the lawyers argued in vain: the father "has no house of his own. He has no apartment of his own. His name is not on a lease or deed. He has no right to reside anywhere."

According to Judge Walker's order, Ramseier must either live with the couple or provide a home where the children have their own rooms. He also must keep a steady job.

The father told the judge that he will start work next week as a National Parks Service ranger on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Meanwhile, Mangum, go-go pole dancer and prostitute, has made no specific use of the honors diploma she earned from North Carolina Central just three months after the lax hoax unraveled. She had announced plans to get a Ph.D. in criminal justice in Georgia -- which has morphed into a stay at the Durham Jail in lieu of $200,000 bail until she can be tried on a murder charge.

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