
Academic Council leadership says it does not have resources for a Kunshan investigation

✔✔✔✔✔ Update 12:37 PM

Two sources have told Fact Checker that the leadership of the Academic Council -- sympathetic to demands for an investigation of President Brodhead's handling of the Kunshan Initiative -- believes the Council does not have the resources to undertake such a mission.

The call for an investigation is being organized by senior faculty in the form of a petition.

The Council's leadership is said to have presented a compelling case that the investigation would have to be massive in scope -- embracing what is the creation of an entirely new university.

And there's also timing -- with new members of the Council due to be seated at its meeting on Thursday according to the on-line council calendar, no one wanted to hit them with great controversy immediately.

While work on the petition was moving along rapidly, there were also difficulties in language because, increasingly, the proposed document was being seen as a vote of no confidence in Brodhead.

Deputies are at work. Check back later.