
Campus Cops boss disappears -- without a trace!!!!!

Aaron Graves, associate vice president for Duke police, seems to have disappeared. There has been no announcement of his departure that I can find.

His e-mail does not go through. The police department directory lists his position as “vacant.”

With the recent departure of VP Dawkins, Duke Police now report to VP Cavanaugh. (Don’t worry, we will not run out of vice presidents)

In the past year, Duke Police have been bedeviled by several incidents that have not been explained adequately.

First, a man was shot in the face and killed by an officer outside Duke Hospital. Duke Police have ducked behind “it’s still being investigated.” And it is outrageous that the campus newspaper has never followed up and introduced us to the dead man, other than his name, to treat him with respect and as a human.

Second, an officer was arrested, with Duke uniform, Duke shield, Duke gun and Duke handcuffs — for the S and M rape of a woman. Oh yes, he also had an over-sized enema bag and butt plug, and whips, among other implements. There has not been explanation of how this pervert got hired, and why he came to Duke for a lesser salary and lesser pension after almost ten years in Raleigh. Equally important, no one at the newspaper has ever found out if the perv worked with students, if he had access to sensitive records, or if for example he interviewed rape victims at the hospital.

Third, we have also been plagued by Durham on Duke crime, with our police force assuring us in the past year of expanded patrols on Central Campus, near 9th Street and in the Trinity area adjacent to East Campus. Where did these added patrols come from — if indeed they exist. Who is being shortchanged?

Fact Checker. All summer.

Addendum: a loyal reader has just pointed out that Graves is a defendant in the lax lawsuits, and we have no idea if behind Allen Building's closed doors, this has been factored in.

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