
Trustees meet this weekend. Fact Checker offers draft of resolutions

Here are resolutions the Trustees can pass this weekend, drafted courtesy of Fact Checker.

✔ Resolved, inspired by former chair Steel's call in his Founders' Day address for more information about the university to be made public, the Trustees declare their plenary and committee meetings shall be open, their full minutes shall be published, their future agendas shall be known, and the governance of Duke University shall occur in a spirit of informed collaboration with all stakeholders. We shall be transparent, our officials held accountable.

✔ Resolved, the most fundamental responsibility of the Trustees is to insure the integrity of Duke University. The Administration having found that Dr. Anil Potti provided a resume that contained "significant issues," plural, which is to say multiple lies, the Trustees hereby direct President Brodhead to sever forthwith all connection, including employment as a member of the faculty and hospital privileges.

✔ Resolved, the Trustees declare their intention to treat patients of Dr. Potti who may have malpractice claims with sensitivity and expedience, and not subject them to years of litigation that adds to the burden of their cancer. There shall be no repeat of the dragging out that has occurred in the lacrosse case.

✔Resolved, the administration having arranged investigations into Dr. Potti's credentials, his faculty misconduct and the validity of his scientific discoveries, The Trustees shall now arrange an investigation into the way the administration ignored warnings about Dr Potti for four years and other possible missteps.

✔ Resolved, to meet both its current needs and future aspirations, Duke University must conduct a major fund drive in the years ahead. The President will be the symbol, spokesman and principal -- and continuity of leadership is required. Therefore, the Executive Committee of the Trustees shall formulate a likely timetable for the fund-drive, taking into account current financial doldrums, prospects for starting a "quiet" phase, and then the years of public fund-raising. The Trustees -- mindful that Mr. Brodhead is 63 years old and has mused about reserving time in his professional life to return to teaching -- shall open discussions with him immediately about the ardors of the years ahead and his availability to finish a multi-year fund drive, and shall recommend appropriate action to the board, if any, no later than its next plenary meeting.

✔Resolved, the name Aycock shall be stripped today from the East Campus dormitory and a new name shall be posted after appropriate stakeholder consultation. This dormitory is an inappropriate honor to a former Governor of North Carolina who instigated a race riot in which many black citizens of Wilmington NC were killed. Aycock not only was a segregationist, but a violent man, repeatedly fomenting strife to establish the supremacy of the white race.
✔ Resolved, Duke University will henceforth not ignore Memorial Day and Veterans Day, but shall have appropriate observances.

✔ Resolved, the Administration shall develop a clear policy on awarding salary increases once funds become available, stating whether these increases will be level across the board or if low-paid employees, whose budgets allow the least flexibility, shall receive priority over a faculty that already is one of the highest paid in the nation.

✔ Resolved, the Trustees shall eat at least one meal in Marketplace, standing in line to do so.

✔ Resolved, the Trustees take note that there are now 19 academic deans of Trinity College alone, not to mention other deans concerned with the undergraduate experience. It is the policy of Duke University that the number of deans shall never exceed the number of students.