
1/14/2010 Bad management: Brodhead retirement incentive plan leaves departments stripped

A Chronicle article revealed that the housing (dormitory) department had been stripped of all its leadership.

Fact Checker here!

This article illustrates how badly the Brodhead Administration formulated and executed the first retirement incentive program. It allowed ANY Duke employee to leave with extra benefits, leaving open the possibility that an entire department would be emasculated.

The same bad management stripped the leadership of Duke Police, where three lieutenants retired.

Under the 2nd incentive program, after our president and his administrators woke up, it was necessary for Duke to declare a position expendable in order for an incentive to be offered.

We are being told NOTHING about the third incentive, for faculty to retire. The deadline had been moved from December to now, and it is about time we found out how much EACH professor got -- as the potential cost of this is overwhelming. Chronicle, wake up!!!

Welcome back El-Mo. It is going to be interesting to find out what difference a semester studying universities in Crotia makes... studying how they deliver services to their students. Big dividends no doubt... from what seems to Fact Checker to be a rather absurd waste of taxpayer dollars through a Fulbright Scholarship. Today the Chronicle used these words... that Moneta needs time to determine "a better sense of what leadership RLHS needs before working to recruit a new head. " Quoting the paper, not El-Mo.

These managers and their department have reported to El-Mo since August 2001 when he arrived at Duke following similar experience elsewhere. And just now he needs to learn??

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