
Potti Mess: Duke relinquishes last of his grants.

Search words Anil Potti Duke University

There are two Potti posts today. Please read the one before this.

✔✔ With two strokes of the pen, Duke University has just rid itself of the last of Dr. Anil Potti's research grants.

Both were multi-year grants from the federal government involving cancer research. One had one year and $200,000 left, and the other six months and $100,000.

FC has learned that one grant paid for clinical trials -- experiments on human beings -- that have been ended. And the other paid for cancer research that no longer has any validity.

Unlike Potti grants from the American Cancer Society, which demanded and got all its money back, the substantial funds that have been spent already from the last two grants apparently will not have to be refunded.

As the new semester began, Potti's lab -- once vibrant with the hope of major scientific breakthru -- had shrunk to four employees, and they heard the lay-off word earlier this week. One told FC that Dr. Huntington Willard, head of genome research at Duke, is trying to help them find new positions.

Duke made no announcement; one of the people affected is a Loyal Reader who tipped us.