
2/25/2010 Administrators love secrecy

✔What do you suppose the reason is... that the Chronicle ran into a wall of refusal when it asked for more data?

✔I suppose it is the same reason the Chronicle ran into a wall of refusal when asking for information about student pharmacy. Do you recall this from a few days back: "Duke Medicine Office of News and Communications failed to return numerous requests from The Chronicle to speak with Stefanadis, Chief Pharmacy Officer Paul Bush and other Outpatient Pharmacy employees."

✔Or this from Dec 7: "Sue Wasiolek, dean of students and assistant vice president for student affairs.... declined to comment, however, on the size of the losses.“I don’t think that’s something neither [Vice President for Student Affairs Larry Moneta] nor I would share with you,” she said.

Why is that Dean Sue?

✔Readers, how about this, also from Dec 7: Chief Pharmacy Officer Paul Bush canceled a scheduled interview and subsequently could not be reached for comment.

Stefanadis wrote in an e-mail that according to the Hospital media policy—sent out in an e-mail Nov. 20—all requests for information must be directed to Duke Medicine News and Communications to ensure that appropriate protocols are followed.

Doug Stokke, assistant vice president of communications for the Duke University Health System, referred questions regarding the pharmacy transition to Bush."

✔✔This is the same Stokke who is treating a current request by a Deputy Fact Checker for information on another very sensitive topic with silence: unprofessional, discourteous silence.

Administrators -- stop treating everyone like Taliban ready to subvert the place.

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